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Nomination "Best Enterprise of the Field 2020" and other events of 2020 in our company


After the restrictions  input our specialists changed their working modes to online , working both on international as well as russian projects. This allowed to our customers to meet terms of the works implementation in the constantly changing environment. Due to fast cooperation organization inside our team we have got a positive feedback from our customer, in particular, RENAULT NISSAN Allianze expressed thanks to our working quality and the level of support. We have got an opportunity to use time for our specialists skills improvement because of the fast organizing an educational program inside our company. This not only stimulated the overall increasing of the qualification but also raised a team spirit. At the end of the year another companies employees interested in their self development also joined our educational events

«During this year working conditions constantly changed and we had to change current plans promptly, the whole team worked well coordinated, reinforcing every working direction as necessary due to the attraction of free specialists», robots programmer Eugeny Suslov. Inspite of the restrictions which were active the major part of the year,  this October after restrictions cancellation we took a part in the  RusWeld exhibition under the patronage of NAKS president Nikolay Aleshin, Academician.

We demonstrated there the robotic welding training solution Soldamatic. Intensive business program of the RusWeld attracted huge number of participants which gave as a result big success of the event as a whole.  Every visitor had an opportunity to see the training solution at our booth - see the video from the exhibition

Analytical researches center analysed the 2020 results based on the ROSSTAT and FTS for the previous accounting period and evaluated our company in the nomination  «Best enterprise of the field 2020».

General manager Roman Rozhkov commented this nomination:
«High rating of our company in Samara region stimulates to global development in other regions in order to increase the customer service quality».

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